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2014.9.30 地上デジタル9ch TOKYO MXTVニュース
八王子おもちゃcafe「dattochi」さん取材「Ryo&Sohei ウクレレえいごリトミック」※6:24から
”Let's Go Out" by Ryo
Animation by Walter Parenton 「Ryo Ryo feat. Magical Sleepover Friends」
Ryo& Jason with Eco Recycle Percussionist Show "Space Adventure ~宇宙大作戦~”より ABC Song
Ryo& Jason with Eco Recycle Percussionist Ukulele English Rhythmic Introduction Movie
2014.10.12 Ryo& EcoRecycle Percussionist Sohei with Satoko(cl) ちんどん Ukulele English Rhythmic at Tokyo NISHIGAWA University's the 4th Anniversary Event in Ochiai Danchi Tama-city
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